Jobs and Internships

in Ecology and Environmental Biology

In addition to the listings below, you can try your own web search - I recommend
I highly recommend ECOLOG, a list serve for all kinds of  jobs in ecology. 

Listings from 2003

Ph.D. Research Assistantship - Wageningen, The Netherlands

Botany help - Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest: Posted 5/3/03

Fisheries Biologist - Tulalip Tribe

Biology Instructor - Spokane Community College

Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships - U.S. Department of Energy

Minority Opportunities for Research on Evolution - Peterson Lab, Dept. of Biology, WWU

Listings from 2001 -
NOTE - These are last years' listings.  Check with the source before applying because some positions may no longer be available.


Internships with the Environmental Protection Agency

For information on developing internships and links to various internship sites, see

Graduate and Post-doc


Listings from 2000 (But check the links - there many relevant listings)


Sites with multiple links

CHECK THIS OUT! à Lots of listings from ECOLOG

Marine Biology Web Page

Ecology Internships

National Science Foundation

Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Program (NOTE - Listings at this site are still for 2000, but might give clues for possibilities in summer 2001.) - At Shannon Point Marine Center

- At the Institute for Ecosystem Studies

- Freshwater and forest ecology at Lehigh University

Assorted listings (in no particular order)

Ecological Research Technician at the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science, Horn Point Laboratory

Research internship in GIS support at Padilla Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve

Bellevue Botanical Garden Internship

Subtidal Marine Ecology, University of Maine

Hydrology field work at H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest, Oregon

Monitoring Technician, Coastal Long Term Ecological Research Site, Sapelo Island, Georgia

Student Conservation Association (SCA)  Click here for contact info.

 Opportunities at the University of Washington

Information Technology Positions at the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis

SEA Semester - It's not a job, but it would be an adventure.

If you have questions or comments about any of these listings, or suggestions for additional listings, please email David Hooper at