Ecosystem Services – BI 599d                                                                                                                             Winter 2003

Additional readings

Balmford, A., A. Bruner, P. Cooper, R. Costanza, S. Farber, R.E. Green, M. Jenkins, P. Jefferiss, V. Jessamy, J. Madden, K. Munro, N. Myers, S. Naeem, J. Paavola, M. Rayment, S. Rosendo, J. Roughgarden, K. Trumper, and R.K. Turner. 2002. Economic Reasons for Conserving Wild Nature. Science 297:950-953.

Balmford et al. 2002. Supplementary information. Science 297.

Balser, T.C., A. Kinzig, and M.K. Firestone. 2002. Linking soil microbial communities and ecosystem functioning. Pages 265-293 in A. Kinzig, S. W. Pacala, and D. Tilman, editors. The functional consequences of biodiversity: empirical progress and theoretical extensions. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ.

Brown, B.J., and J.J. Ewel. 1987. Herbivory in complex and simple tropical successional ecosystems. Ecology 68:108-116.

Carpenter, S. R. 2002. Ecological futures: Building an ecology of the long now. Ecology 83:2069-2083.

Costanza, R., R. d'Arge, R. de Groot, S. Farber, M. Grasso, B. Hannon, K. Limburg, S. Naeem, R.V. O'Neill, J. Paruelo, R.G. Raskin, P. Sutton, and M. van den Belt. 1997. The value of the world's ecosystem services and natural capital. Nature 387:253-260.

Costanza critique.1998. Audacious bid to value the planet whips up a storm. Nature 395: 430.

Costanza et al. 2002. Integrated ecological economic modeling of the Patuxent River Watershed, Maryland. Ecol. Mongr. 72(2) 233-250.

Daily, G.C., S. Alexander, P.R. Ehrlich, L. Goulder, J. Lubchenco, P.A. Matson, H.A. Mooney, S. Postel, S.H. Schneider, D. Tilman, and G.M. Woodwell. 1997. Ecosystem services: benefits supplied to human societies by natural ecosystems. Issues in Ecology #2. Ecological Society of America, Washington DC.

Hughes, J.B., G.C. Daily, and P.R. Ehrlich. 1997. Population diversity: its extent and extinction. Science 278:689-692.

Kremen, C., N. M. Williams, and R. W. Thorp. 2002. Crop pollination from native bees at risk form agricultural intensification. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 99:16812-16816.

Lawler, S., J.J. Armesto, and P. Kareiva. 2001. How relevant are studies of biodiversity and ecosystem functioning to conservation? Pages 294-313 in A. Kinzig, D. Tilman, and S. Pacala, editors. Functional Consequences of Biodiversity: Experimental Progress and Theoretical Extensions. Princeton University Press, Princeton.

Loreau, M., S. Naeem, P. Inchausti, J. Bengtsson, J. P. Grime, A. Hector, D. U. Hooper, M. A. Huston, D. Raffaelli, B. Schmid, D. Tilman, and D. A. Wardle. 2001. Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning: current knowledge and future challenges. Science 294:804-808.

Naeem, S., F.S. Chapin, III, R. Costanza, P.R. Ehrlich, F.B. Golley, D.U. Hooper, J.H. Lawton, R.V. O'Neill, H.A. Mooney, O.E. Sala, A.J. Symstad, and D. Tilman. 1999. Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning: Maintaining Natural Life Support Processes. Issues in Ecology # 4. Ecological Society of America, Washington, D.C.

Naylor, R.L., R.J. Goldburg, J. Primavera, N. Kautsky, M. Beveridge, J. Clay, C. Folke, J. Lubchenco, H. Mooney, and M. Troell. 2000. Effects of aquaculture on world fish supplies. Nature 405:1017-1024.

Wardle, D.A., M.A. Huston, J.P. Grime, F. Berendse, E. Garnier, W.K. Laurenroth, H. Setälä, and S.D. Wilson. 2000. Biodiversity and ecosystem function: an issue in ecology. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 81:235-239.